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2024-25 Teacher Leader Cohort

Tonya Artman, Jefferson County Traditional Middle School

Kallie Bailey, Lincoln County Middle School

Kennita Ballard, Grace M. James Middle School

Jordan Collins, Knox County Middle School

Taylor Criswell, Wayne County High School

Tori Dangerfield, LaRue County Middle School

Lexie Gilley, Bullitt Central High School

Angie Gintonio, Highlands High School

Sheila Gray, Covington Classical Academy

Sheila Hendricks, Eastside Middle School

Cindy Herman, Mary Queen School

Angela Lewis, East Hardin Middle School

S. Loane, Iroquois High School

Shannon Lynd-Abdon, McKell Middle School

Amy Mattingly, McNabb Middle School

Mark McDaniel, Morton Middle School

Traci Sanford, Leestown Middle School

Martine Shoemaker, Powell County High School

Janet Sivis O'Connell, West Jessamine High School

Ashley Watts, Mason County Middle School

Maggie Wells, Opportunity Middle College

Michael Williams, Woodford County High School

2024-25 Teacher Leader Cohort

2024-25 Teacher Leader cohort

Elise Carter

Lane Springer, Renee Boss, and Andy Smith, Teacher Leaders from the 2022-23 cohort, discuss the impact of their time in the initaitive on their teaching. Interviews conducted by Jill Abney and edited by Jaime Jorrisch.